Getting chickens out on pasture using an A-Frame chicken coop tractor is one of the best ways to give your hens access to the absolute best food. We built these A-frame chicken coop tractors to help remedy a handful of issues we kept running into when raising our hens.
My rambunctious chickens would never fail to stray a bit too far, get on the wrong side of the fence, and into our neighbors' yards. When I would open the coop door every morning, offering them their free-range freedom, I found myself checking on them every 45 minutes. It would disrupt my day, I was constantly stressed out, and the hens would always wind up into some sort of trouble. At that point, the only alternative was to keep them cooped up (hah), forbidding them access to all the wonderful things a free range chicken would have. That's where our A-frame mobile chicken coop tractor made chicken keeping a hundred percent easier!
If you’ve been diagnosed with gallstones or you think you may be suffering from them, there is a potential way to remove them naturally without surgery. Depending on the size and severity of your gallstones, the gallbladder flush and liver cleanse can help your body pass the gallstones safely and effectively. In this post I’ll share with you why you should consider the cleanse over surgery, the steps of the cleanse, and my experience doing it.
I was diagnosed with gallstones at age 22. After dealing with serious digestion issues, nagging pain in my right shoulder and underneath my right rib, and a surprise breakout of cystic acne along my neck - I went to my doctor for some answers. Immediately he had me go in for an ultrasound on my gallbladder and the diagnosis was gallstones. I had a gallbladder full of them! The solution in his eyes was surgery, but I wanted to do my research first before I had my gallbladder removed at the age of 22.
The 2024 Green Gifting Guide for Ethical and Sustainable Gift Ideas is here! Every year I launch a lovingly and carefully curated holiday gift guide to help you find unique, eco-friendly, and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones.
I know how overwhelming holiday shopping can be. As someone who loves finding the perfect gift, I understand how daunting it is when there are so many people you hold dear that you want to make feel special. I will admit that sometimes it feels like I am buying “just to buy" and get it crossed off my list. Pair that with being someone who cares deeply about being sustainable, ethical, and low to no waste with my shopping - it can take hours of online searching to find companies and products I trust. So I know firsthand when the holidays come around, the call to spend money on gifts is at a fever pitch. It can be hard to navigate everyone’s wants and needs, while also keeping in line with your own values. That’s why I created The Holiday Green Gifting Guide. With over 60 gift ideas (categorized by age group and interests!), you can easily shop for everyone from toddlers to besties using the guide and give the earth a big hug while doing so. I want to save other earthy-friendly shoppers the time spent searching so you can breeze through your gifting with a clear conscious. All of the gift ideas shared in this guide can be purchased online, they benefit great companies or artisan makers, are non-toxic, and good for the environment. The Top Five Natural Winter Supplements To Give To Your Chickens To Boost Immunity And Health11/1/2024
If you live in an area that gets blasted with snow and cold temperatures during the winter months, then your chickens are definitely going to need the extra nutritional boost only supplements can give.
Every winter on our farm in Wisconsin, I give a handful of high quality, natural supplements to my hens. In this post, I am going to share with you why you should consider supplementation during the winter months for your chickens, which supplements I recommend, and the benefits they provide for your flock.
Keeping chickens and goats together on your homestead or small farm is absolutely possible as long as you follow a few important rules and implement a few tricks. We’ve kept chickens and goats together successfully for the last two years inside our barn and I’ve learned some vital lessons along the way. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know when keeping goats and chickens together as well as what mistakes to avoid!
Today on the podcast we have Amrita Saigal, the founder of Kudos. Amrita is extremely passionate about creating sustainable alternatives that perform just as well, if not better, than their non-sustainable counterparts and, as an MIT-trained engineer and material scientist, she has taken this passion to make a real difference.
On the blog today we have a special guest post from SafeSleeve to share with you how your mobile phone could be impacting your fertility. My husband and I struggled to get pregnant and I did a deep dive on every possible aspect of modern living that could be affecting our chances. I was shocked when I stumbled across how ELF and RF radiation could be lowering my husband’s sperm count! My husband was consistently carrying his phone in his pocket as well as setting his laptop on his lap and little did we know it may have been one of the leading reasons it took us so long to get pregnant. After realizing this could be a major issue, he started using radiation blocking technology and became much more mindful of where we stored his phone.
Enough about us though - I’m going to let SafeSleeve take it away and educate you themselves! I’ll chime back in at the end of this post and share some of my favorite SafeSleeve products as well… If you are looking for an affordable and durable farm and garden muck boot that doesn’t break the bank, keep reading. In full transparency, for the last six years, I have been a Muck Boot Company customer, buying boots only when they have sales or discount codes. The truth is my Muck Boots have never lasted more than one year each, and forking over $100+ every year was starting to get my goat (see what I did there?).
A few months ago, I was approached by the company HISEA Boots to try out their waterproof farm boots. I’ll be frank and say I usually don’t go for product reviews because I feel like it puts me in a tough position - I’m getting paid to share something with my followers that I otherwise may not have tried. Whether we as bloggers like to admit it or not - paid promotions can (and do!) shift opinions. I am happy to say that these boots have made their way up to my top choice for farm and garden chores - and even trips into town cause they are so darn cute and comfortable! Let’s get into the details: I opted for the Women's Mid-Calf Barn Boots in Navy Plaid in a size 8. I usually run 7.5 in sizing, but I wanted to be on the safe side...
Kelsey is back on the podcast for a fun heart-to-heart with Jill Winger of The Prairie Homestead, one of the foremost homesteading websites since 2010. Jill is a powerhouse in the homesteading community, sharing her love of living off the land with all her readers and listeners. Her practical and authentic teaching style and storytelling have won the hearts of hundreds of thousands of homesteaders across social media and through the top-ranked Old Fashioned on Purpose podcast and the best-selling Prairie Homestead Cookbook.
Opening a roadside farmstand is no small feat. When I opened my roadside farmstand I wish there was someone with all the answers to my questions, but like so much of the small farming world there’s a lot of trial and error to be had before you figure things out. That’s why I want to share with you everything I’ve learned along the way as I opened up my roadside farmstand for our farm, Green Willow Homestead.
In this first post in my farmstand series we will cover:
Meet Kelsey,Thanks for stopping by Green Willow Homestead! From chicken rearing to composting, we've got our hands full and we love sharing what we've learned along the way. Follow along as we turn the 80 acres we call home into a farm that serves its community and a homestead that nourishes us throughout the seasons. Grab the EbookListen in!FREE Guide!Tune in to our YouTube ChannelInspirationsCategories
Favorite Books of 20241. Erosion
2. Braiding Sweetgrass 3. As Long As Grass Grows 4. The Small Scale Poultry Flock 5. The Zero Waste Solution Archives
February 2025
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