Sustainability In The Press
A small family business is turning green waste into greener fields in Arizona. Green Waste Recycling collects clippings and trimmings from local landscaping businesses, chips them, composts them, and then spreads it over farmers’ fields to increase the biodiversity of their soils, skyrocket water retention, and boost yields. Some of these fields include alfalfa, which is then fed to local cattle. As the reporter puts it, “turning sticks into steaks.” This is such a fantastic example of using closed loop cycles!
In an effort to cut down on their carbon footprint, Amazon is launching a program called Amazon Day. The program organizes all your orders into one single delivery day for the week, cutting down on transportation for all the must-haves you order. My podcast host, Becca, and I chatted about this on one of our earlier Positively Green Podcast episodes. Paul and I have been trying to do this mindfully, keeping things in our cart until we hit about 5-7 items then we would order and get them to come on the same day, but it’s awesome that Amazon will do it for you now! The milkman method has been making a comeback, where the packaging for the items you purchase is reused over and over again (like old milk bottles). Major companies are opting in to package their goods in reusable, durable, and attractive containers that are then sent back to the manufacturer for continued use (instead of winding up in a landfill). When Greenpeace released their top ten worst companies for plastic pollution in the ocean, those companies realized they had a mounting PR crisis on their hands. Now, eight of those ten companies are a part of the Loop program. The methodology is definitely not without its faults, as the program requires a huge amount of transportation to make it possible, but I still think that it’s a step in the right direction. Extreme weather events are not only affecting American farmers, but farmers across the globe. Coffee farms in Honduras have suffered increasing droughts, disruptive rain events, and unpredictable winds that have decimated their crops. Families are beginning to flee to seek a more stable life in the United States, crossing the border illegally. This is the perfect example of major issues converging, until our government gets on board with the rest of the world for curbing climate change then our illegal immigrant situation is only going to get worse. Sustainability Podcasts
Food Heroes Podcast Episode 29: How a purple berry is saving the Brazilian Amazon with Ryan Black Sambazon
Green Dreamer Podcast Episode 132: Greening transportation with vehicles powered by Hydrogen fuel cells with Brian Goldstein Parting Thoughts:
In light ofEdition 6 of This Week In Sustainability, I have to share an experience I had at Ikea over the weekend. I ended up purchasing the wrong item (you know how the pick bins can be a bit confusing) and wound up with a mattress for a futon when what I wanted was the cover. It came shrink wrapped in unidentifiable plastic, so when I opened it up and realized it was a mattress, it had expanded and would not fit back in the original plastic bag.
I carefully wrapped it up best I could and brought it back to Ikea return it. At customer service, the Ikea employee told me I had to put it in another plastic bag to make the return. She handed me a flimsy plastic bag and I stared at her blankly and asked, "Could I get some help?" The futon mattress was huge and cumbersome to move, I mean, Paul had to help me get it into the van! She replied, "We're not supposed to help customers with this." Then she sat there and watched me struggle to shove the mattress covered in the first plastic bag, into another plastic bag that also wasn't big enough to fit it. After a few minutes of struggling, the people behind me in line graciously offered to help. We all proceeded to shove half of the mattress into another plastic bag. So much for customer service and care for the environment Ikea. How strange right?! Last 24 Hours Of The Earth Day Sale!
These are the final 24 hours on my Earth Day Sale. So if you have been eyeing my awesome sustainable holistic living ebook, The Holistic Home, now's the time to grab your copy at 20% off (no offer code needed). Cut through the overwhelm that trying to live more sustainably brings, and learn from my decade's worth of experience, eco-friendly product testing, and research.
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