If you are wondering how to use diatomaceous earth for a parasite cleanse, you are in the right place! I can tell you that it has safely helped not only me and my husband, but our pets, and all 90+ chickens on our farm.
I tried diatomaceous earth as a last ditch effort to find out why I suddenly couldn’t eat eggs anymore. TMI, I had been dealing with constant diarrhea for nearly a month that would worsen with eating eggs. I was so frustrated and at the end of my rope. After doing exhaustive research, I felt that I was dealing with a parasite. Enter diatomaceous earth. In this post, we will discuss exactly what diatomaceous earth is, how it works to kill pests and parasites, and how exactly you can use it for your health and your pets and livestock. Let’s dive in!
Please note: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you end up clicking and purchasing an item. I worked hard to find my trusted favorites and I want to share them with you so you don't have to deal with all the crappy junk I had to go through. Nuff said.
Disclaimer: I am obligated to say you must consult with your doctor before doing the Diatomaceous Earth Parasite Cleanse. I am not a doctor and the information contained in this post should not be seen as professional medical advice. If you use or rely on the information in this blog post, you do so at your own risk. What the heck is Diatomaceous Earth?
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a chalky powder that consists of fossilized single-cell organisms that are mined from dried up lake beds. These pulverized fossils have a desiccating, or drying effect, on the exoskeleton of parasites. More on that in a moment.
Not all DE is created equal as quality can vary from one mining operation to another. Not all DE is certified organic either, meaning that it can contain additives or be chemically treated. This is important because you don’t want to give anything but pure food-grade DE to yourself and your animals. This is the certified organic brand I recommend. While it may seem like a lot of DE, it will last you a good long while (unless you have 90+ chickens to deworm like me). This particular brand is mined in northwestern Nevada, near the California border. The DE deposits came from algae blooms on the western side of the Pleistocene era lake Lahontan. Personally, I appreciate that it is a US product and not shipped an exorbitant distance to reach my farm. You can also grab the 4lb bag at this link if you want a bit more! How Does Diatomaceous Earth Work?
Due to its microscopic sharpness and drying effect, DE can dehydrate the exoskeleton of insects and worms, ultimately killing them. In a 2018 study on termites, it had a 100% kill-rate of the tunneling vermin. It also is used to keep grain-eating pests at bay when farmers are storing feed, showing that it has an 80% kill-rate when applied every two weeks. DE doesn’t mess around.
What Are The Risks Of Using Diatomaceous Earth?
Since DE is a fine particle dust, you want to be careful not to breathe it in. It can be especially hard on the lungs if you have asthma or other respiratory issues. It’s no more harmful than household dust, but it’s still important take caution for your lungs.
What Can Diatomaceous Earth Do For Humans?
How to do a Parasite Cleanse using Diatomaceous Earth:
There are a few side effects you may experience when doing a parasite cleanse with DE.
To help with this you can take L-Ornithine supplements to absorb and safely excrete the excess ammonia and nitrogen through your urine (L-Ornithine plays an essential role in the urea cycle). I recommend this brand in particular. Take up to 1500 mg ( three capsules) before bed, depending on the severity of your side effects. What Benefits Does Diatomaceous Earth Have For The Body?
A huge positive is DE tastes like nothing, just a little grittiness and the tiniest hint of chalkiness. It’s so much more palatable than other crazy parasite cleanse concoctions I’ve seen.
Reducing Cholesterol In The Blood A 1998 European study observed that over a 6 week period, diatomaceous earth intake was associated with a significant reduction of serum cholesterol at any time point, reaching a minimum on week six. The Added Benefits of Silica Another benefit is DE contains a large amount of silica, which is an essential micronutrient that helps with hair and nail growth. Silica also is key in aiding the balance of calcium and magnesium in the body, ultimately helping your hormones stay in check. If you are taking collagen to support skin, nail, and hair health, silica directly assists in collagen formation. It Gently Exfoliates The Skin You can mix a ½ tsp into your face wash or body wash for a gentle exfoliant. I like to mix it into some organic raw honey and use gentle circular motions on my face, then rinse with warm water. Why Should You Do A Parasite Cleanse?
Everyone has a parasitic load. Sometimes that parasitic load gets to be too much for your body and it starts affecting you in more noticeable ways (this is especially true if you have pets!). So if you’ve been trying to hack what’s going on with your health and you feel at the end of your rope, try DE and see if it’s the icing on the cake.
What are some signs of parasites in your intestines?
Based on our own experimentation, my partner and I both saw a huge decrease in our parasitic load while taking DE. We experienced less bloating overall and less “puffiness” in our faces when we woke up. This leads me to believe that whatever parasites we were dealing with, in killing them, it helped calm inflammation in our bodies. I experienced a much less painful menstrual cycle, a huge spurt in nail and hair growth (thanks silica), as well as a huge noticeable decrease in hormonal acne. The best part was that I could eat eggs again. Please know that these were our own experiences, every person is different and you may experience other benefits. What Can Diatomaceous Earth Do For Pets?
When given internally or applied externally, DE can help bring down your pet’s internal or external parasitic load as well. From fleas to lice to worms, DE is a safe and effective way to help give your pet’s health a fresh start.
Steps For Deworming Cats Using DE
Steps For Deworming Dogs Using DE
For cats, it’s important to note that you may want to do a deep litter box clean on day five of the DE cleanse to stop the potential for reinfection of internal parasites. This means around the litter box as well. If you have carpeting around the litter box, sprinkle a ½ cup of DE with a flour sifter and let it sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum it up with a shop vac or filterless vacuum (otherwise it will clog the filter and kill your vacuum's motor). We also use a lavender essential oil and white vinegar cleaning solution (20 drops to 16 oz) to clean the baseboards around the litter box. To kill external parasites, don a pair of rubber gloves and a long sleeve shirt. For a dog, carefully sprinkle ½ cup into their coat and rub it in gently with your gloved hands. For a cat, ¼ cup will do the trick. It’s best to do this outside if you can in the open air so you don’t breath in the DE. What Can Diatomaceous Earth Do For Chickens And Other Livestock?
In a 2011 study, feeding hens a diet supplemented with 2% DE showed an increase in the size of yolks, a significant decrease in internal parasites, as well as an increase in overall egg size. The DE-fed birds also weighed in heavier than those not fed DE. The study also found that hens given access to dust baths with DE added to the mix had a significant decrease in external parasites. Sounds to me like DE is the way to be!
In our flock, we mix 1 cup of DE into our feed bins, which hold approximated 70lbs of feed. We will add 2 tbsp of DE to their 3.5-gallon waterers in the early spring and fall to kill off internal parasites. Finally, we mix a cup of DE to every dust bath, which also includes wood ash and gravel. As for other livestock, I recommend using it in grain-based feed to keep pests away, adding it to water at least twice a year to naturally deworm, and applying it carefully externally to help cut down on external parasites. Applications depend on the size and type of your livestock, but I can only personally speak for chicken keeping. I encourage you to keep researching to see what other farmers have tried.
So what are you waiting for? Order some diatomaceous earth and try it for yourself!
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Clarissa Olivier
5/7/2019 03:21:17 am
Thank you, this was an exceptionally well drafted article. Very informative and easy to read. Comments are closed.
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